Tuesday, July 11, 2017

KKK protestors

You know things are going well in the country when the KKK shows up and the protestors out number them 10-1.

I'm going to be uncomfortably blunt here. The KKK has every right to assemble. In a free country, even monsters have rights. It truly is what separates us from other countries and it's a beautiful thing. Obviously I'm a free speech radical and no, just because I think they have every right to assemble and speak doesn't mean I support their values and ideas. Some people seem to think that because you support free speech for groups you despise you somehow support what they say. Yeah um...no, that's not how free speech works.

The media thinks that hate groups (and yes, the KKK is a hate group) are on the rise. That's nonsense, and this story sort of proves it. When protestors out number klan members 10-1, that's a good sign that the KKK has lost a lot of it's influence and power. Thank God for it too, like all decent people I think they are an evil group.

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