Thursday, July 20, 2017

"Natural" cures

Just because something is "natural" does not mean it's good for you. In fact, many times "nature" is trying to kill us. Here is a list of a few things that are natural but not good for you:

-Being attacked by a bear
-The Ebola Virus
-Excessively hot temperatures
-Excessively cold temperatures
-Being struck by lightning
-The Rabies Virus
-Rattlesnake venom

I could go on. Do you get the impression that nature wants you dead, or at the very least wants to give you a good ass kicking? Seriously, nature is a harsh mistress who doesn't care about your health or safety. It doesn't care about the health and safety of your pets either. You call your cat "Fluffy McSparklepants" . The hawk flying around your house calls your cat "lunch". You owe your life to technology, science, your parents and God. I want you to think about this for a minute-how can you (generic, not you meaning the person reading) rant about how everything should be "natural" from a computer/Iphone screen? Last time I checked, they didn't grow in the wild.

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