Monday, July 10, 2017

Happiness cartoon

This little cartoon spoke to me for some reason-I get it, ha ha-but it really shows human nature and how it works. Obviously, you are who you are. If you are a sad or depressed person doing things spontaneously won't help in the long run. It's like having a baby, getting married, or moving cross country-no matter what happens to you, few things fundamentally change who you are. You might think these things would make you happier, but they probably won't. While having a baby, moving or getting married might make you happier in the long run, when reality sets in you'll go back to being who you were before.

The other thing it made me think of is how many, many people are only as happy as they allow themselves to be. Don't misunderstand me-I get how depression works, and I think depression is a legit medical problem-but some people don't allow themselves to be happy. Maybe they like being depressed and angry. I am convinced that some people like being depressed or angry all the time. Maybe it's subconscious, but we all know people who think happiness is shallow or unimportant when in reality, it might the most important thing out there.

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