Monday, July 24, 2017

Raising the minimum wage

Good news: You are getting a raise from 7.75 to 15 bucks an hour. 
Bad news: You are going to be fired because your boss can't afford it. 
Even worse news: Your replacement is a kiosk because it doesn't call in sick. 

Governor Jerry Brown-who the Dead Kennedys properly called a dictator in the 1980s during his first term-admitted that raising the minimum wage didn't make economic sense. In a fit of staggering stupidity, he did it anyway. The damage that it will cause to an already fading economy is huge, and the people it will hurt the most are poor people who will lose their jobs because their bosses can't afford to pay them anymore. 

I get it, we all want to stick it to the man and make them pay us more-but if your skills don't merit more money, you won't get it. I should know, I have no discernible skills or value to the real world-that's why I blog so much. 

Money doesn't really grow on trees. Unlike a government, a businessman can't just demand it from the taxpayers. He or she has to entice them to spend money at the shop they own. One of the many beauties of capitalism is that it doesn't use force. Government, on the other hand, can only use force. Forcing companies to pay unskilled workers more money that they don't deserve is economic suicide. 

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