Saturday, July 29, 2017

Microchips, fake news, and the internet

A company in Wisconsin had plans to microchip employees in order to pay them, charge them for food, etc. It's all voluntary. Click here to read the story.  Faster than you can say "Left Behind" the internet blew up with this claiming that it's an indication that we are smack dab in end times and  it's all just about over.

Deep breath everyone. No, the government isn't planning to microchip you. No, this isn't "the number of the beast". No, Trump is not the anti-Christ.

I love the internet and I love being on the internet. I freely admit and see that it has serious drawbacks though. The biggest one is seeing how news stories can be distorted and blown way out of proportion. So far, I've seen stories about how the government is already forcing us to get microchipped and the anti-Christ is rounding us up. It's pathetic.

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