Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Colin Kapernick IV

The saga continues. I'm sorry, it's gone from being my own personal Rocky series to Friday the 13th. He's obviously a fascinating guy and if you are a regular reader to my blog, you'll know I get obsessed about "my topics".

Now he can't find a job. A reporter on ESPN narrowed it down to a mathematical problem-that your own field talent must be greater than the off field headache that you obviously are. Kapernick is learning the hard way that the NFL doesn't care about your political views if you don't have the off field talent. Can Kapernick still play? Of course he can. He had an off few years but I don't think he is totally washed up. The issue is that the NFL is brutally competitive field. A young kid just out of college without the the baggage will surely get picked up before him.

He's posted his views on social media that police are as bad as slave catchers from the 1800's. Sure, he's entitled to post whatever he wants (and so am I) but the ignorance of that is appalling. He doesn't seem to grasp that if he was in trouble and called 911-it's the police that would come to save his ungrateful ass.

He's been seen going to various countries talking about how people don't have independence. How do you think he's paid for the plane tickets? Hint-It's not with bitcoin.

And that's his fundamental problem. Ingratitude.

I'd like to say that there will be no Kapernick V blog, but no promises.

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