Tuesday, June 25, 2019

My bachelor weekend

I'm very happily married, and my significant is a mentor in a Masonic youth organization called the International Organization of Rainbow for Girls, shortened to "Rainbow". They had a weekend getaway this past weekend and I had a weekend all to myself. My best friend lives in Minnesota and he was also at retreat this weekend. My other friends were busy so I had a weekend all to myself.

Some guys would go to a strip club. Some guys would go to a bar. Instead, I stayed home, played Fallout, watched baseball and made soap, the picture above. It smells strongly of lilac but sadly, the swirls weren't as good as I would have liked them to be.

It's my hope that your life has hobbies, because they are one of the many things that make life living. Sometimes our hobbies cross genders (I'm the only heterosexual male who likes making soap) and I'm sure there are girls who like working on cars or who are obsessed with hunting and football.


  1. Nice weekend! I'm still in search of a hobby, yet to narrow on what I blog about...lol. Dont feel bad, I make candles and herb garden...

    1. Thank you my friend and it's so awesome that you make candles and have an herb garden!
