Friday, June 21, 2019

Album of the Weekend

Radiohead-OK Computer

I tried. I really, really did.

People say this album is life changing, and God knows it's gotten more critical acclaim than Blonde on Blonde (a spectacular album) did. So, because I'm always asking people to open their mind and try new music, I tried to listen to this again. After all, I like their song "Creep" that came out on a prior album.

And no, I still don't like this album. I don't like Radiohead, and frankly, I think they define everything that I dislike in modern British music.The entire album reminds me of those people in college who wore berets in freshmen English class and tried to tell you how deep Tori Amos music was when in reality, they don't like her music either but they are just trying to appear cool and hip in front of their friends.

By all means, try this album out. You might like it. I hope you do. But I don't get it. I didn't get it back in 1997, and I don't get it now.

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