Monday, November 26, 2018

Tae Kwan Do diares

So, after taking karate off and on my entire life, I decided to take a three year break, clear my mind, and start over from scratch. This time, taking a totally different martial arts form-Tae Kwan Do. I stopped by a karate studio in my town and while the instructor seemed incredibly nice and friendly-it seemed vastly unlike the Ed Parker style that I recently took and feel the most comfortable in. So I rolled the dice, and decided to start completely fresh.

Previous training helps because you speak a little bit of the same language-you know the basic blocks, the basic kicks, and the basic (key word, basic) strikes. It's a bit humbling to put on a white belt again (I was at the brown level in my last school, right before black) but I expected that and frankly, it's part of the fun. Wish me luck everyone, here we go.

1 comment:

  1. I used to take tae kwon do when I was younger and I loved it. My leg is busted so I can no longer do it (I switched to nunchaka) but I've got my 5 kids in tae kwon do right now through the ymca.
    they love it and just got their yellow belt. They are looking at testing for their stripe in the next few weeks. Keep it up
