Saturday, November 10, 2018

Jeff Flake trying to primary Trump

Jeff Flake, the senator from Arizona is attempting to primary Trump in 2020. I wish him the best of luck, but attempting to take down a sitting president is a near impossibility. Just ask Ronald Reagan-who tried to take down Ford in the seventies but sadly failed. The power of the presidency is just too much to overtake.

I'd actually love for someone to primary Trump, but it's nearly impossible. Like it or not, the majority of republicans would still vote for Trump, and Flake would do nothing but split the party. I have zero confidence that Flake would just lie down for the general election-he seems arrogant enough to run as an independent-so he'd split the vote and therefore, virtually assure a democrat would take office. Flake doesn't care about that, he only cares about beating Trump.

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