Friday, November 16, 2018

Album of the Weekend

Mr. Bella-Cross My Heart 

I saw them when they opened for Stryper in Orlando back in September. They had an unusually short set, and I liked it enough to watch a couple of their videos on Youtube. I downloaded this album, which was released back in 2009. This is one of those albums where it's not my personal taste, but it might very well be yours. 

Many of the songs sound the same, and I'm not sure if that's because of style, production, or how the band wants to sound. For example, while listening to the album on my bike ride I thought I heard the song "So Lost" before, but it turns out I was listening to Rag Doll or Webs. Not a good sign. The album does have a few good songs on it though-I do like the song "Tragedy".

If you are looking for an album that sounds like it should have been made around the year 2000, this might be right up your alley. 

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