Monday, October 15, 2018

Flu shot

If you read no further than this, get a flu shot.


Sure, there is a small percentage of the population that should not get a flu shot, but for 95% of the population, you should go get one. Not really to protect yourself-though that is part of it-but to protect people who might die if they get the flu.

Yes, people do die of the flu, a surprisingly high number too. We are scared of Ebola but the odds of getting Ebola are about 1 in 9 million. Your odds of getting the flu depending on the season are about 1 in 5. No one died of Ebola in America last year. About 3,000-49,000 people a year die of the flu. Most are elderly-so you should get the flu shot to protect your grandmother and grandfather.

No, the flu shot isn't perfect. Yes, you might still get the flu even if you get the flu shot. Simply put though, if you jump out of a plane, would you rather the parachute open 60% of the time, or 20% of the time?

Get a flu shot.

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