Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren has done something very fascinating to me. She's angered the right-which is obvious, because she's Elizabeth Warren. She's also angered the hard left-those who are angry at rich, entitled white people who claim to be minorities because they want special treatment. Oh sure, the run of the mill democrats will still overwhelmingly vote for her. After all, they voted for Ted Kennedy for 200 years after he killed a girl. Republicans in Massachusetts (both of them) are too stupid to move or have just given up, so they'll be as irrelevant as they usually are. 

Honest democrats should be taking a look at this and wondering what kind of person they elected. All politicians lie because they are people and all people lie. So her lying is not really why I'm surprised, it's what she lied about that irritates me. She obviously couldn't get a job just by being Elizabeth Warren, she had to tell people she was part Native American to get Harvard to hire her. This shows bad on Harvard as well-hiring someone who couldn't get a job in academia until she became a minority? It's higher education so I don't expect much from them in the first place. 

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