Thursday, February 9, 2017

Legalizing Marijuana

I'm in favor of legalizing marijuana, but I understand why people are generally against it. Is it the gateway drug? For some people, yes it is. The blunt truth is that no one starts doing drugs by using crystal meth and cocaine. I'm also wise enough to know that yes, some people smoke weed and only smoke weed. Not all pot smokers use crystal meth but I wouldn't be surprised to know that all crystal meth users started smoking pot.

I'm not torn on this-again, marijuana should be legalized for recreational purposes. I just have common sense on the issue.

Medicinal marijuana is more black and white. I have rule-if someone is dying of a terminal disease you let them do pretty much anything they want. in fact, I think it's monstrous (and yes, gravely evil) of a government or individual barring a person in the final stages of terminal cancer relief from their pain. Will medicinal marijuana be abused? Of course it will be. Your 21 year old nephew who suffers from "depression" will use this law to get high, and that is sad-but that doesn't take away from your terminally ill grandmother who uses it to keep the last few months of her life bearable.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard the argument that what people object to, the "gateway drug" excuse, is actually inherently tied to the illegal status of marijuana. Where do you buy illegal pot? ...From a drug dealer, a criminal. He will no doubt have other illegal drugs in his repertoire and it is in his best interest to invest in hooking you on something stronger - a lot of times, these criminals can be casual as can be and actual friends, people you know at the office, at achool, or even family members. If you legalize marijuana, who do you buy it from? The doctor or pharmacist. The criminal element goes away and your exposure to harsher illegal drugs is minimized.

    I still think there is something to be looked into as to the benefits and likelihood of abuse, especially with reports of legal states having an influx of car accidents related to those under the influence now, but as far as gateway thing, opponents kind of shoot themselves in the foot with that argument. Nobody is lauding meth or lsd as this super chill drug that everybody is trying and nobody who hasn't already broken the law would consider it, especially if they're not friends with criminals in the first place.
