Saturday, February 18, 2017


I'm sure you've heard people say that "If you go far enough back, we are all related in some way." While it might be true from a genealogists standpoint and it makes us all feel warm in cuddly inside, in reality it's total garbage. Once you get to be my eight cousin four times removed, we aren't related. Sorry, but it's the truth. Actually the truth is that I barely know (or care to know) my first cousins much less my second, third etc.

I don't like genealogy. in fact, it bores me to tears. I've experienced two things in the LDS church when I say this. One is (surprisingly) relief. I've had one or two people say they also don't like genealogy and feel sort of alone thinking that way. The other thing I've experienced is people being insulted by it. Just because someone doesn't like the same hobby-it's not a personal insult to those who enjoy the hobby. You'd think people over nine years old would figure with this out, but they don't. It's not a genealogy thing, it's a human thing I guess. we need to fight our natures.

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