Saturday, April 27, 2019

Trump swings back to sanity

One of my many problems with the President is his support for the anti-vaccine crowd, who I view as the most dangerous people out there. Are you pro-life but against vaccines? Then guess what, you aren't really pro life because vaccines save lives too. Are you against guns and vaccines? Guess what, you aren't really for saving lives because lives.  In fact, on my Facebook I have ban rule. Anyone talking about about anti-vaccine garbage gets the immediate ax, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.

However Trump seemed to go back into reality-suggesting that people get the measles shot. I can't say how much I support him. Thank God he's finally reached a point of sanity that many of his followers simply can't grasp. I don't care how anti-Trump you are-he's right about this, and I hope he opens his mind the scientific evidence that vaccines save lives.

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