Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Duke professor resigns over "English only" comments

A Duke professor has been fired because she made some politically incorrect comments. Her choice of words of a bit questionable but she has a point. I tend to fall on the center right on most issues, but English only is one of the few issues where I'm hard right wing. And you should be too.

Like it or not, English is the dominant language in aviation and business. Many, many companies have a requirement that you at the very least understand English and some demand that you speak it fluently. By not teaching English and sadly, not demanding that you learn it, you put young kids at a significant disadvantage. If you come to America you should speak English not only for the benefit of everyone else, but for your own benefit as well. In your own home, speak whatever language you want to. In fact, I grew up calling my maternal grandparents Memere and Pepere, a French name for Grandma/Grandpa.

But in public-English should be the universal language. Because it is.

1 comment:

  1. Interistingly, I think the same thing needs to start being said about Chinese. It is fast becoming the language of business. It's really sad that most of the world teaches their people to speak multiple languages while here in America, alot of people struggle to even speak english!
