Saturday, March 10, 2018

Trump vs Stormy Dainels

I'm old enough to remember when republicans and conservatives were shocked-shocked, I tell you that a president would be a flagrant adulterer and would cheat on his wife. It happened all the time when I was growing up in the 1990's. Some conservatives will say that they cared more about Clinton obstructing justice than his sexual escapades, but that's nonsense-they cared about his infidelity and they tried to take the moral high ground.

In fact, many Americans cared about it. That's partially why Bush won in 2000. People associated Gore with Clinton and they wanted a break. David Frum, back when he was a conservative wrote a great book called "The Right Man" about the presidency of George W Bush. In it, he said "Over half of the country wanted a president who would do one thing-stay off the interns." He was right, and Bush did do that.

Now conservatives are ignoring a sexual scandal because their man is the one who got caught. The same people who demanded Clinton be removed from office are the ones who are saying "Nothing to see here, move along." Trump didn't break any laws, but you know, he needs to leave for the dignity of the office.  I don't believe he has to leave the presidency of course, it's just funny to me to see republicans suddenly defend someone who is so openly unfaithful to his wife.

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