Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Anti gun marches

Yes, the people marching have every right to do so. In this country free assembly and speech is guaranteed to all of us, not just those we agree with. However, when you participate in public demonstrations (and I have as well) you open yourself up to criticism. Just because you had something terrible happen to you doesn't mean you are above criticism either, so don't say, "How dare you critique victims of a school shooting!" If you meet with a victim of a mass shooting who supported less restrictions on gun rights, it would be fine to critique them as well.

When adults march with minor children, it really makes me angry. No matter what the cause is, minors should never be used as political props. I get the feeling that some of these kids wren't old enough to really understand the gun issue, but they were carrying signs that had political slogans on them. It bothers me when pro lifers do this, it bothers me when anti-gun people do it. Children need to rise above parisian issues strictly because they aren't old enough to fully comprehend the subjects and they usually are being told what to think by their parents.

The gun issue is incredibly complex and won't be solved by marches and protests. Like it or not, we have the right to own guns in this country. While I support the rights of the marchers, I also support the second amendment.

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