Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Student loans

College is expensive and sometimes can be a massive waste of time. If you major in anything ending with the word "studies" it's probably going to be hard to get a job once you leave college and yes, it's at least partially your fault. Before you can say "hypocrite" yes, I majored in English but the big difference is that you don't hear me complaining about lack of employment offers or student loan debt.

At least some of the blame for massive debt falls on the borrower. Close to 75% of it. Fundamentally no one forces someone to go to college, and there are other options available to you if you don't want to go to college. I also think that many careers shouldn't require a college education. Teaching, for one. If you want to be a teacher some training is probably a necessity but no, a four year degree might be overkill. Thats not an insult to teaching in the least, so don't take it as one. I also freely admit that there are other some professions where heavy training and education are mandatory.

College administrators are an odd breed. They love to preach about social justice and helping the poor, but when it comes to their huge salaries and endowments, not a word is said. They are also guilty of the student loan debt crisis because it fattens up their own checkbooks.

I feel bad for young people starting life in so much debt but if you borrowed money than yes, you do have the moral obligation to pay for it. It's unfair to the lender to go bankrupt or just decide not to pay because you don't like the life choices you made while no one was forcing you.

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