Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Former Mission president sexual assault scandal...

A former mission president in Provo is being investigated for a sexual assault that happened several decades ago.  Let's get this out of the way right now-if this occurred, no matter how old he is, he needs to be brought to trial and prosecuted for his crimes. Immediately. There is no excuse for this type of behavior and the church isn't defending it. As of right now, the church is doing the right thing by releasing a statement about it and cooperating with law enforcement.

The church isn't stupid. They know how devastating scandals like this can be to their reputation. If this happened and there was a cover up or someone knew about and did nothing-then the damage to the reputation of the church justifiable and it is nothing compared to what happened to the victim of the sexual assault. Just to be clear I do believe in innocent until proven guilty, but a brief look at the evidence shows that this man (Ironically named Joseph Bishop) has a lot of explaining to do.

 It's a different world we are living in today, and thank God for it. Institutions of all types have to accept that. Like I mentioned before so far the church is doing the right thing by being open about it.

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