Thursday, March 1, 2018

LDS bishop interviewing youth

It's been in the news lately, and with good reason. There is even a petition going around requesting that the LDS leadership do a massive overhaul on how their bishops interview youth when it comes to matters dealing with sexuality. I can see both sides of this issue.

On one hand, the questions seem inappropriate and uncomfortable. I've read and heard some stories online that make me cringe. I do not have kids, but I'd demand to be there when anyone speaks of that nature to my own child, and it's a non negotiable issue. After the priest scandal in the Catholic church the issue is not one up for debate in my mind. Granted, the odds are against anything horrific happening, but I don't care. The risk is small but I couldn't sleep at night if anything did happen. Paranoia can have it's benefits, and if my child is at risk than I thank my paranoid and untrusting nature.

But I do think most bishops wouldn't even consider harming a child. In fact, they are asking these questions because in their mind they want to protect the child from what they think is sinful behavior. If you don't understand that, than you won't understand why bishops ask the questions in the first place.  To an active LDS, the salvation of the child is at stake and the questions must be asked.

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