Saturday, June 24, 2017

The battle against air conditioning

From time to time you'll see some rich elitist babble about how evil air conditioning is. It's delusional of course, and it's to be expected. When you have all your needs taken care of and don't have to worry about comfort or rent payments you'll begin to become deluded and totally out of touch with reality. I live in Florida, where air conditioning is basically fundamental to life during the months of June-September. Without it, no one would live here year round.

You can Google "Air conditioning" and see some people rant about how it's a "luxury" and how we should "learn to live without it, because people before us didn't live with it and they survived!" In reality, modern technology has made out lives drastically, amazingly and stupidly better. Modern technology is like the girlfriend you broke up with even though she did everything for you, like bringing lasagna for you at work. Eventually you'll wake up and realize you took her for granted but by then it'll be too late.

My rule of thumb is this: don't lecture me about caring for the environment or my modern conveniences unless you personally aren't living with them. It's easy for newspapers to make editorials about how to live without air conditioning (click here) when you work in an air conditioned building. It's easy for the Pope to lecture us about "consumption" when he also lives in an....air conditioned building (click here).

Do as I say, not as I do.


  1. A similar quote is:" What you do speaks so loudly that it cannot hear what you say" That is why I am so grateful for the Savior. He is a person who always WAS what He wanted everyone else to be. He didn't just talk the talk, He walked the Walk. He also spoke about hypocrisy:

    3 Nephi 14:21 . Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven.

    I remember in College having a professor that taught business class with old outdated principles. I asked him one day why he was teaching things that didn't work in today's economy. He told me that it was the curriculum. I asked him how he made it work in his business. He told me he'd never been in business but just taught about it because He had gotten a degree in it. I dropped his class.

  2. There is another old saying. "Those who can't do, teach." With few exceptions that quote is the most accurate quote I've ever seen.
