Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Presidential approval ratings

I don't like President Trump either. I never have, I never will. I've blogged many times about my opinion of him. Just because I'm not a liberal doesn't mean I like Trump, and just because I lean to the right doesn't mean that I like Trump either. Hopefully, I've made it clear that I don't like him.

But I don't believe the BS that we're hearing about his approval ratings being so low. If they were that low, he wouldn't have gotten elected in the first place.

The same people who are talking about how low is approval ratings are are the same people who were talking about Texas swinging blue and how Trump will lose in a 50 state landslide. I get it, it's politics and we don't learn anything. We also have a strong sense of confirmation bias and "I want to believe" so we are quick to believe fake news if it fits our political bias. We need to be honest here though. Many, many people still like and approve of the job Trump is doing. Many Trumpers are like Obama apostles-if Trump/Obama said to club baby seals, they'd run to the docks and pound away.


  1. Unfortunately the media does not like him and since they control a lot of the narrative, we hear what they want to say. The media has gone from a place to carry factual information to entertainment and opinions.

    1. The media doesn't control the narrative anymore. In 1985, they certainly did because there were not any options for consumers. You had to watch the nightly news and you had to read the local newspapers. The media had iron clad control over everything. Now in 2017, it's a completely different world. I can get my news from thousands of options. That's good, because it no longer means that the mainstream media has tremendous power. That's bad, because we generally only seek out news that fits our political bias. So like everything else in life, it can be a double edged sword.

    2. Very interesting. Yes, you are right, it is a double edged sword. I think the main problem is that we don't do our due diligence any more. We hear it and for some reason think "it's on the internet, therefore it must be true" I think if we have a problem here, it is our own problem for not doing our work and trying to find the truth.

    3. Oh I totally agree. Not only do we say "If it's on the internet, it's got to be true" we say "If it agrees with my political views, it must be true." It's a combination of the dumbing down of America and the polarization of our political views and values.
