Saturday, May 20, 2017

European elections

It's been about a week since the French election. The dust has settled and like all elections sometimes it's best to wait a week or so to find out what really happened.

The left was thrilled with the results of the election, but that's only because the "right-wing" candidate,  Le Pen lost. To me she is only right wing on immigration and actually quite moderate on every other issue out there. I get it, a moderate in France is like a left winger in the states/Canada. That shows how skewed to the left Europe generally is. Their "right wingers" like Sarkozy or Theresa May from the UK would be considered moderate republicans here in the states.   That's not to say I would vote for Le Pen in the French elections or May in the UK. In fact, I'd probably vote for Macron in France. I'm not a a fan of Corbyn so by default I'd support the Tories.

One thing I love to see is social media in the states following the European elections. What they do over there does have ramifications throughout the world. Knowledge is power and ignorance of world affairs is not something you really want to embrace. Seeing everyone pay attention to what is going on across the globe is another reason I am very happy to be alive today.

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