Monday, May 8, 2017

Being a billionaire in 1918 vs just being alive today

I get it, I talk a lot about how lucky we are to be alive today and how life is getting better. That's because I see people incessantly complaining about how bad things are and it drives me insane. I get it, it's easy to complain about life today (from our air conditioned/heated homes) and we over romanticize the past (nostalgia sucks! The good old days sucked!) at the expense of the present.

Even living like a Rockefeller in 1918 was worse than living like a blue collar family in 2017.

We take so much for granted that our ancestors would have been stunned at. The article touches on this, but think of medicine. In 1917, if you suffered from depression or were bipolar there were no legit treatments available. you basically had to suffer. Nothing else. Literally. Now, there's at least hope. Like the column brilliantly mentions, things like basic knee surgery or having your tonsils out were vastly more complicated back in 1917, often times leading to death.

There is so, so much more to show how lucky we are living today in the time we do. Sadly, religious people often complain about the breakdown of society/morals/life in general and they ignore the wonderful positives our culture has made. I'm not saying that we should look at the world through rose colored glasses-there are problems in the world today of course, but life is generally overwhelmingly better today than it was even fifty years ago. 

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