Thursday, May 25, 2017

Manchester terror attacks

I have only vaguely heard of Ariana Grande before last night. Since I don't have kids and I'm not under 25, I don't pay attention the modern pop music scene. I am very happy that she is okay and not hurt, and like all other decent people, I'm incredibly disturbed and troubled by these terror attacks.

Life is many things, but it involves risk. We will never have 100% safety in our daily interactions. While the chance is small, the plane you are one might crash. A texting driver might hit you as you cross the street, and yes, a terrorist attack might occur where you are. We don't plan for these things-I've yet to hear someone say "I knew my plane would crash today." When we see documentaries about terror attacks, people almost always say "It was a day like any other day." Planes that crash take off with the flight attendant saying the same thing as every other flight attendant has before and will after. 

We need to be alert of course-but not paranoid.

We need to mourn the dead and ask ourselves some tough questions about terrorism. Will it happen? I doubt it. We'll make excuses, look the other way, whistle past the graveyard-then act shocked and appalled when the next terror attack happens.


  1. Fear is used constantly to force us to do things. However, fear has been shown to not be a good motivator. Our attitude determines a lot of how we live our lives. We might not be able to control alot of what happens in our lives, but we can control our attitude toward the challenges and difficulties we may face.
