I miss President Packer.
He had the false reputation of being tough or uncaring. He was actually the opposite. Generally, being overly stern or cold is counter productive. It's also a balancing act. You come down too much like a harass and you alienate people. You come down too soft and they'll walk all over you.
Look at the Boyd Packer GC speech from October 2008 called "The Test." Boyd Packer talks about the depression that Smith surely felt during his time in the Carthage. He talks about how Smith was ignored by the president at the time-all the government officials-and things looked bleak. Then, Packer mentions the celebration that was had after the original Saints made it to Utah. The point from this speech is summarized at the end, "today the sun never sets on the congregations of the Latter Day Saints." I love that quote.
Don't know much about the Book of Mormon? Don't feel bad, I didn't either. I still don't. Thankfully Boyd Packer has read it once or twice and he can explain it to us.
And wow, does he. In the 1986 GC speech "The Things of My Soul" Boyd Packer has the greatest description of the Book of Mormon specifically designed to those who have never read it. Starting right off, Packer correctly states "Perhaps no other book has been denounced so vigorously by those who have never read it as the Book of Mormon' (I'd like to throw in anything by Ayn Rand here too. Wow, look at the contrast. Book of Mormon and Ayn Rand).
Packer than goes on to give the greatest description of what the book of Mormon is in church history. Even if you've read the book of Mormon 45 times, reading this speech will provide new insight into it.
Boyd Packer was also compassionate. In the April 1977 speech "The Mediator" Packer quotes Shakespeare (this English major salutes him with awesomeness for that)"In the course of justice only, none of us will see salvation". While justice is a losing virtue in todays society (we care more about compassion. Both are needed) it's a comforting reminder to us that justice alone will make you cold and unflinching.
Boyd Packer will forever be missed. I'm happy I got to see witness his speeches while I was a member before he passed away. A truly wonderful addition to the church.
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