Tuesday, January 31, 2017

You can live here rent free! Just give up Facebook!

Have you seen this before? I have, several times. If you are a regular reader (and I thank you so much, both of you) you will not be surprised to find out that I find posts like this absolutely asinine because people (surprise!) post this on Facebook and are incapable of seeing the irony. You would think that if these people hated Facebook that much, they wouldn't post about it...on Facebook. Like the famous "No wi-fi, talk to each other" pic that I also think is idiotic (read my blog about it here) it's posted on peoples Facebook page to show how cool they are for Facebook and how much they think people who enjoy Facebook are idiots.

1 comment:

  1. People who repost that are making an acknowledgment of how much a part of Facebook is in their lives, like an addiction, that they are either setting up a fantasy incentive that they'd be willing to break free from it for or they are saying that the two things are interchangeable. Like, "if I had everything in this picture, I wouldn't NEED Facebook." Which both kind of play into that victim mentality, where of course everyone would be fit hard bodies if everyone had a personal trainer/dietitian/life coach following them around all day. Where's the accountability and willingness to just step away from the computer? Not that being online is a bad thing but you're right, it's demonizing the addiction while being cute about it.
