Friday, January 20, 2017

Album of the weekend

Dirty Looks-Cool from the Wire

Another late 80's hair band that missed the hair band era, Dirty Looks is a band that I've just barely started getting into. I have heard the song "Oh, Ruby" before but it didn't catch on for me. Recently I heard it again and loved it. It sounds great, and you can easily compare it to the other classic hair bands of the era. Since I liked this song so much I had to download the entire album.

Like Kix, Dirty Looks is a hair band that doesn't get the credit it deserves. I think it's because they came onto the hair band scene at a later time-they were apparently formed in 1988. They also have a huge amount of turnover. The New York Dolls had people come and go, but this band had more people go though it than the toll both on 95 on a holiday weekend. I'm not an expert but I'm not sure that helped the band in the long run.

Shame too, because the album is very good. Just asking around I found out that not many people have heard of the band-so I might have been right thinking that they were underrated. The best song is "Oh, Ruby" but the title track and "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" are also good. 

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