Monday, January 9, 2017

Chicago torture

If you are anything less than outraged by this horrific act that I can say without question that yes, you are a bad person. Period. Even scumbags have things they won't do-like robbing old people, abusing kids, and yes-assaulting a special needs individual is right up there. Doing those things causes you to cross the line from "bad choices" to "human garbage".  I've never done serious time in prison before (yes, even I'm shocked about that) but there is a hierarchy there. From little I've heard the boys in the state pen don't look too kindly on those who beat up mentally disabled people.

Spin this any way you want. Make it political, make it socioeconomic, you can even make it racial. You can try to excuse what happened, you can blame other people. If you are so politically correct and warped in your sense of right and wrong that you try to excuse or downplay this, you are in some ways just as wrectched as those who committed this act.

I have no sympathy-none whatsoever for the people who did this, and I even less sympathy for those who excuse it.

The good news is that the overwhelming majority of people of all races and backgrounds feel pretty much the same way I do. No positive can come out of this-but perhaps in this horrific tragedy it might bring some people together.

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