Thursday, January 26, 2017

Don't hear much about scary clowns anymore do you?

A few months ago the latest fear craze was scary clowns. I posted about them and you can read about it here.

It's gone now, the media doesn't report about it anymore. Is it because less people are dressing up in clown costumes and scaring people? Partially, but I think the amount of people who do that is going to stay pretty level.  I don't see sane people suddenly deciding to do this as a hobby, but then again, they do have furry conventions so anything is possible.

The more important and sadder issue is how the media over blows everything. I get it, news reporters have never been known for their integrity and scientific knowledge but I really do wish they would apply some common sense. The risk of being assaulted by a dude in a clown suit is actually incredibly slim. The risk of getting a shark bite or an alligator attack is also incredibly slim, same with plane crashes and pit bull attacks. Too bad the media loves talking about those things.

I'm not sure it's going to change much in the near future. Like we all know the network news at 11 and 6 O'Clock are losing viewers by the truckload. Now people can get their news how they want it twenty four hours a day. With fewer people watching I get the impression that the news stations will go to further extremes in order to get new viewers.

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