Tuesday, July 17, 2018

WWE NXT on Saturday

Last Saturday I went to a WWE event a few towns over. I am not the biggest WWE fan as an adult though I liked it as a kid. I prefer Impact and the independents, but even those I almost never follow anymore. 

I attended a WWE NXT event, which I was told was like their minor leagues-young wrestlers getting ready for the big time and gaining experience in front of smaller crowds. There were no bad seats, and the total cost was only 40 dollars for about two and a half hours of action. I strongly suggest going if you have the chance-dirt cheap and very entertaining.

I don't watch the WWE tv shows, so all the wrestlers with one exception were new to me. Seeing everyone preform for the first time gave you a new and interesting experience-you couldn't tell who the bad guy or good guy was. (I'm no expert, but I've always been told that the heel, or bad guy, carries the match. If I'm wrong, I apologize.)  

Wrestling tells a story, and if you don't know who the characters are it's up to them to tell you with their actions in the ring. A good wrestler can do that, while a bad wrestler usually can't. I don't know how many of those in the ring on Saturday will be superstars, but many of them did exactly what they were supposed to do.

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