Wednesday, July 11, 2018

David Hogg has armed security

David Hogg, one of the survivors of the Parkland school shooting, has armed security guards.  He's apparently promoting a new book about gun control and about how this generation will finally stand up to the second amendment and start serious gun control. That's a conversation worth having, even if I fundamentally disagree with it. The issue that I have is that he apparently has no problem walking around with armed security guards while wanting to take my guns away.

He's a celebrity and I think it's very smart of him to have armed security guards wherever he goes. If I was him, I would too. But you know what? I wouldn't stop you from having a gun as well. In fact, I wish everyone was armed-it would be a more polite society (and much safer) if we took personal responsibility for our own safety.

Of course I feel sorry for what happened to him, like I do for all survivors of mass shootings. However, we pick and choose who we listen to based on if we agree with them or not. I'm sure there are survivors of mass shootings who are in favor of gun rights, but we don't listen to them nor feel as much compassion for them as we do those we already agree with. That's sad, it's part of human nature, and it's something we all need to work on.


  1. To the best of my knowledge (I could be wrong), Hogg has ever advocated for a UK-esque gun ban. Most gun control advocates simply want a greater level of accountability for gun ownership, which shouldn't worry law-abiding citizens.

    1. I understand that, but it's easy to advocate for gun control when you personally are being protected by gun toting security. The media also focuses on mass shooting victims who are in favor of stricter gun control while largely ignoring those who are in favor of deceased gun restrictions.
