Sunday, July 8, 2018

Scripture Sunday Mosiah 15:25

Whenever something terrible (cancer, accidents) happens to children, we all wonder why. It's a horrible thing for obvious  reasons-they remind us of innocence personified and to think they have to go though such a horrible thing can rock us down to the core. I am not a parent but even the thought of children getting shot in a school, dying in a holocaust or having some horrible disease just breaks my heart.

This passage reminds me exactly what it says, that little children have eternal life and their salvation is virtually assured. While original sin does effect all of us, children below a certain age are immune from the consequences until they are baptized. It's a tough life and sometimes horrific things happen to innocent people. This passage can be quite comforting to those who have lost children, though I understand totally that nothing can comfort a grieving parent.

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