Saturday, July 14, 2018

Being a Christian blogger/speaker/writer

It must be tough being a Christian blogger, writer or speaker. You can't make a great living off of it-churches usually don't pay great speaking fees-but the bigger issue is that people will pry into your personal life and look for the slightest thing that you did that could be considered "anti-Christian." Gone though a divorce? Then Catholics won't take your phone calls. Like to gamble? Count out the Methodists. Enjoy the occasional beer or cigar? You won't be speaking at BYU.  I get it, all these churches have every right to set their own high standards but my fear is that many good people don't get involved in ministry because they aren't perfect, and they know it.

The bar is set absurdly high for Christians. If you dare to become a pastor but in your previous life you had premarital sex-you better hope and pray that doesn't come out. There is, of course, a huge difference between what you did five -ten years ago and what you do now. My fear is that the standard of behavior for Christian writers/bloggers/speakers/pastors/ministers is so high that we're pushing out good people who have great ideas just because of past mistakes.

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