Thursday, July 26, 2018

Gas station owner facing murder charges...

A gas station owner is facing murder charges after shooting a man who stole a six pack of beer.  Before you claim that the thief got what was coming to him, consider this. The thief wasn't using deadly force to steal the beer. In fact, he was fleeing. The owner of the gas station followed him out and decided to kill him. Over a six pack of beer.

No, stealing beer isn't cool. Stealing isn't cool. Yes, you should be arrested for stealing anything, including beer. But no, you don't deserve to die because you stole some beer. 

Using deadly force should only be done as a last resort, to defend your life or the life of someone else. And even then, using deadly force isn't pleasant. Police officers probably don't like to shoot people, even bad people. Oh sure, we all like to play tough guy and take the law into our own hands, but the prosectors here (and I'm not a big fan of prosecutors. They'd indict their own mother if it got them publicity. Morality means very little to too many of them) have every right to fully press charges for murder against the store owner.


  1. I saw a similar story a few years ago about a soccer mom who opened fire on a shoplifter in a Home Depot parking lot. Fortunately no one was hurt in that incident.

    1. This vigilante way of thinking that is so prevalent in our society today is incredibly disturbing.

  2. One of the problems is that we see violence portrayed in movies as having no consequences. The good guy shoots the bad guy, high fives his friend for the great shot and the scene changes. No showing the consequences of shooting someone. Also, deadly force is seen as the standard solution to problems.
