Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Terminally Ill patients allowed to try new medicine

Finally, your Lord and Master, big government, has determined that you are capable of choosing what medicine to try if you are terminally ill. A bill passed the congress (largely on party lines) allowing terminally ill patients to try medicine that might cure them.Of course it might not cure them, but I'd rather be given the opportunity to at least try and save my own life or the life of a loved one rather than watch them slowly die while you do nothing.

I'm proud to be a limited government guy, and often times in life, there is not much in politics that gives me hope. This bill is not perfect, but I'm very glad that it passed and hopefully will become law. You've got to be one cold hearted bastard to not allow a terminally ill person to smoke pot or try something, anything, that could might give them a chance to survive. Too often it's the right that is considered cruel or lacking in compassion, but this proves that yes, even the left has a cruel streak when it comes to politics. How anyone could be against this bill is beyond me.

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