Thursday, May 31, 2018

Starbucks restroom policy

Wow! A restaurant that offers free usage of the restroom to the regular public. I've never seen that before. Why people are making a big deal of this is beyond me. Virtually every other restaurant in the country does this, and Starbucks was always sort of behind the times in having a policy where only paying customers could use their restrooms. I'm saddened as to how it came about though.

Sometimes I think I could make a daily post about the drama that Starbucks seems to be swimming in. I know I blogged about it last month. From Christmas cups that don't mention Christmas to the CEO telling gun owners to take their business elsewhere to a certain restaurant being accused of racial insensitivity it seems that Starbucks is always in the middle of some controversy. Some of it comes with size-when you are number one, you have a huge target on your back. Some of it is because that Starbucks seems to try to be as politically correct and pretentious as humanly possible, so they open themselves up to parody.

Eventually, they'll be shot in the back by their own troops.  They already have been-social justice warriors have accused Starbucks of not being PC enough-and it'll happen again. Perhaps Howard Schultz will shut the company down weekly for social justice meetings. I can see that coming.

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