Saturday, May 19, 2018

Should you force a child to go to church?

First off no, I'm telling you how to raise your kids. I've noticed that the immediate (and frankly, stupid) reaction whenever anyone says anything about kids is "Oh look, we have someone here who doesn't have kids but is telling us how to raise them!" I've gotten that before, but the guy later admitted he didn't bother to read my entire post. Don't be like him. And yes, it's your house, your rules-so do whatever you want.

But you need to ask yourself-do I want my child to grow in the faith, or am I just forcing it on them because I'm the parent and they must do what I say? Again-yes, as the parent you have every right to force your child to do as you wish (Within reason. You can't force them to commit a homicide for you and expect to get away with it) but could you be doing more damage to their faith in the long term?

I'd like to read a valid study about people who grew up in strictly religious households and if they practice in their adulthood. Or more importantly if they do practice, do they do so only to not disappoint their parents and family? I'm totally open to seeing the results, these are just my thoughts.

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