Sunday, May 27, 2018

Scripture Sunday Mosiah 5:5

Are we willing to make covenants with God? Yes, most people are willing to make covenants-it's the keeping them that is the hard part.

Anyone who tells you that being LDS is easy is lying. When my friends ask why I converted (which happens from time to time,even though I've been LDS for years) I usually tell them because I wanted to give up three hours of my Sunday, wear uncomfortable clothes and no longer drink or smoke pot. Most of my friends get the sense of humor that I have, thank God.

We are all human and we all make mistakes, so no one goes out and says "I'm going to break my covenants with God today, ha ha ha." while shaking your fists as God. It doesn't work that way. I'm not sure how it works, but covenants are sort of a weird thing-it's better to try and live them and fail rather than not make them in the first place and never try to be better.

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