Sunday, May 20, 2018

Scripture Sunday Alma 38:9

There are all sorts of controversial things in the book of Mormon, and in Christianity in general. In 2018 though, the most controversial thing that Christians teach might be the fact that salvation is found under no other man but Christ-and this passage says the same thing. In fact, I think the majority of authentic, non politically correct Christian churches teach basically the same thing. Do I think it's a foundational claim to Christianity? Yes, I do.

LDS definitely have some views that aren't in line with mainstream Christianity (the Trinity comes to mind but there are others) but when it comes to the belief that Christ is the only way to salvation, they are pretty much right in line with all the other churches.

I understand that in our accepting and tolerant world, the thought that there is only one way to salvation is offensive to many people. I also understand the famous conundrum of why a serial killer who accepted Christ would achieve some level of salvation while an atheist who lived a blameless life would not. Do I understand that? No, not at all. I have no answer for it either. It's one of the teachings of Christianity that I understand in theory, but there are legit questions to it.

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