Thursday, May 10, 2018

Bill Cosby

We like to think that evil is obvious to us. That we'll be able to tell right away if someone is a good person or not. That's how a five year old thinks. In reality, evil is incredibly complex. The Bill Cosby "scandal" is proof that evil comes in all forms, and we truly never know about what lies beneath our public figures.

Make no mistake. Bill Cosby is evil. I've heard people try to explain that in his generation, raping a woman with pills was different because she couldn't say no. That's bullshit. Rape is rape, and there is never an excuse for it. He's a rapist, pure and simple. All of us are flawed humans, but I do not believe that "anyone is capable of anything." In fact, I think only 2-5% of the population is capable of crimes of this magnitude. The term "sociopath" is overused by our society. No, just because your ex husband cheated on you, that doesn't make him a sociopath. No, just because someone is mean or selfish, that doesn't make her a sociopath either. Bill Cosby, however, is a sociopath.

The actors that portray a certain character in media are often nothing like who they present. Logically, I think we all know that, but emotionally we can be upset when the sweet little character you grew up watching is in reality, a diva, a bitch, a drug addict, or just egoistical and out of touch. All of those characteristics are sad and unpleasant, but not illegal and criminal. Bill Cosby was the clean cut father figure to many of us, but in reality he was a monster.

He deserves nothing less than prison time.

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