Monday, February 12, 2018

Yoga and white supremacy?

Um, I can't believe this is a real story but apparently a professor with too much time on her hands thinks that practicing Yoga is a form of "white supremacy".

If you are so inclined, you could probably make a conspiracy theory sound so good that anyone would believe it. Also, if you want attention and want to make your name in academia, you could probably make anything sound racist. This is interesting though-Yoga isn't really practiced much in Trump country. It's much more of a city thing. The average Trump voter isn't sipping lattes at Starbucks on their way to Yoga class. No, they are too busy working and taking care of their families. Yes, people in cities do that too-but can you picture a truck driver doing Yoga at rest stop in Kansas?

So will the urban elites stop doing Yoga because it promotes white supremacy? I doubt it, but it'll sure be interesting to talk about over dinner at the Four Seasons.

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