Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Just say no...but you have to say yes in the name of "inclusion"

In another win for professional education and inclusion, girls at a school dance in Utah are being told that they can't say "No" to a boy who asks them for a dance. In the height of the "me too" sexual assault controversies, I, like the mom who is quoted, thought this story was fake news. It is not.

Where do you start with this? Look, no boy wants to be shot down by a girl in 6th grade when asking for a dance. I can tell you that every man alive has been told "no" before by a girl at this age, and while it's embarrassing and awkward it's not fatal. It toughens you up and you realize that you have to move on. It's an important life lesson for a man to learn.

For a girl, it's an even more important lesson to learn. When you tell someone "no" in sixth grade, it makes it easier to tell someone "no" in 12th grade and at age 25. It will empower a girl and begin to teach her the power of the word "no". Like I mentioned before-it's the middle of the "me too" movement, telling girls they can't say "no" is an outrage and absolutely out of control.

This is the worst decision by a school I've seen in a long, long time.

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