Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Gonzaga kids dressing like LDS missionaries

It's college basketball time,and some kids in Gonzaga are dressing like LDS missionaries during games. Gonzaga has asked them to tone it down a notch. I'm going to blunt here: if your biggest problem is kids dressing like LDS missionaries at a basketball game, then you are not oppressed in any possible way. It's college kids having fun and it's playful fraternity boy razzing. If you think it's bullying, instead of running to Gonzaga administration and demanding the kids stop-why not push back a bit like dressing as a priest or a nun? Gonzaga is Catholic, I think.

It's fun to play victim sometimes. You can break out the social justice snowflake card and say "See, everyone hates LDS. Poor us." Virtually everyone out there from every social, religious and ethnic background can find something to play victim but strong people need to realize that it'll only get you so far. You need to toughen up, take the joke and understand the difference between real persecution and playful teasing-even if the teasing might be in bad taste.

It concerns me how thin skinned everyone is in 2018, and no, it's not just a millennial thing. I know thin skinned baby boomers, Generation Xers, and probably even the greatest generation had their thin skinned people. Being unable to take a joke is a sign of insecurity, demanding attention, or just being a straight up baby.

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