Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The remake of It, part II

I've already mentioned my thoughts on the remake of It. I was dragged to see the movie this weekend.

Clowns, like everything else in life, are only scary if they seem innocent at first. Think of it this way-if you see a guy in a t shirt holding a sign that says  "I am a serial killer" are you going to go up and give him a hug? Of course not. If you see a person with a bloody ax walking down main street and asking for a ride to McDonalds, are you going to pick him up? That's the issue with scary clowns. Most kids would run away screaming, balloon or not. If you, as a six year old, saw a clown lurking in the sewers-what would you do? That's one of the many flaws in this movie. If you have an antagonist who looks like a blood thirsty maniac, you better put the characters in a situation that they can't get out of. If they have the opportunity to run, they'll run. Anthony Perkins in Psycho is scary because he looks harmless.

I'm a feminist. I know that's odd because I'm not a woman and I'm not a liberal. But yes, feminists can be of all political stripes and all genders. In this movie, the only woman is basically a damsel in distress and used only to be kissed by every single boy in the group. That's not reality, especially at that age. The book is much worse, she's basically passed around like a joint. It crosses the line from "bad taste" to "offensive".

I could go on. I could talk about the bullies being stock characters with no real motivation other than to be bullies. I could talk about the crazy parents. I could talk about how no one in this movie aside from the kids is a decent person. The only thing missing that would make it a typical Stephen King movie is the insane fundamentalist religious person who is to blame for everything.

Other than that, I loved the movie.

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