Sunday, September 24, 2017

Scripture Sunday Alma 7:15

In order to join a Christian church you need to be baptized. Baptism is many things to many different denominations. While I understand why Orthodox/Catholic/Lutherans baptize children, I'm much more sympathetic to the other protestant denominations that only baptize adults. No, that is not an insult to those religions who baptize infants, it's just my personal, subjective opinion.

It's obvious why a parent would raise a child in their own religion (if you believe their eternal salvation is at stake, obviously you'll raise them in your religion), but I think religion is such a personal thing that we should only make the choice to be religious or not as an adult. After all,  many people are only religious to make their parents happy and keep family harmony together.  Baptism should be an adult making an adult choice to follow the religion.

This passage reminds us that in order to be properly baptized, we need to make certain covenants and keep commandments. We put down our old life and become new people. You become a new person and a new witness by entering into the water of baptism. 

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