Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The remake of "It"

Maybe if I had a childhood I was more nostalgic over I'd like the movie "It" better. I did read the book (remember, the three northern New England states Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont have have laws that state that all residents must like Stephen King and Aerosmith) as a child but I don't remember liking it. The 45 hour mini series was no better either. I get it, many adults are still not over childhood trauma but to be scared of an antagonist (spoiler ahead) that can be apparently killed by a sling shot and two AA batteries? Might be time to see a shrink.

Scary clowns aren't scary. They are tiresome and annoying. Scary clowns that morph into things aren't really scary clowns, they are a creature that can morph into scary clowns. Horror movie antagonists who spend their time scaring the main characters instead of killing them aren't scary. Stephen King has written some good books (yuk, I need a bath). The Stand was fantastic, one of the best horror/dystopian novels of all time, no question. So King did have talent once. I also understand that the directors of It were taking a bad movie and trying to make it better. So far, I'm not optimistic that it'll turn out well.

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