Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Cleveland Manhunt

Once again, technology comes to the rescue. I know I post a lot about my love of technology and the modern age and I apologize, but I see so many people complain about technology and wish for the "good old days" and quite frankly, it makes me want to bang my head against a wall.

Thirty years ago tracking this guy would have been very difficult and totally different. The police couldn't have reached the same amount of people because they didn't have the avenues to do so. Back in1996 you couldn't place his picture and his car on their Facebook page. While I'm generally uncomfortable with the amount of cameras that we have in our society, I accept that it does do some good things-he is going to be recorded everywhere he goes and building a trail of his movements will be easier. Yes, I admit it's not perfect and yes, I'm worried about the government recording everything too-but it's not all bad, especially in this case. Let's be honest-if this guy kidnapped your daughter even the most radical civil libertarian would be offering a small prayer of thanks that law enforcement has the tools they do today.

I also want to bring up one more thing-guns. I get it, it's not a pleasant subject and people automatically get political on the issue. But the only way to defend yourself against a lunatic with a gun is not a stern look and harsh words. You can't cuddle someone to good behavior and sometimes people don't always listen to reason. I'm not saying that everyone should carry a gun and settle their disputes in shoot outs-but it is important to protect yourself sometimes. 

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